DB-C101 Computerized Electronic System

Dyna-Bal is proud to introduce to its time tested and industries most
reliable dynamic balancing system the DB-C101 computerized electronic
The CB-C101 computerized balancing system has been designed to help companies
produce a faster balancing job, provide quality controlled balancing, provide
a printout of each balance job and ease of training new employees.
The DB-C101 features:
- PC based computer, color monitor, keyboard, printer, and balancing
- Displays unbalance in mils, ounces and grams simultaneously. The DB-C101
- the as is unbalance condition,
- the amount of unbalance for single and two plane balancing,
- location of unbalance in both planes,
- step by step prompting through the entire balancing operation on the
easy to read color screen.
For more detailed information on the DB-C101, please contact IEM.

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Atlanta, GA
(404) 696-1386